2013年7月15日 星期一

BB第一次食蜜糖豆, 黃花魚

文章日期:07/15/2013 09:42 am

雖然BB開始咗食固體食物已經有1個半月, 不過到而家都仲未食過晒營孖媽我為BBs諗好嘅蔬菜, 魚魚同水果呢! 因為實在太多種類可以選擇喇!

今日就食我最鍾意食嘅黃花魚啦! 哈哈, BB食魚背, BBs婆婆同我食魚腩. 我嘅原則係我食嘅嘢, 大部份BBs都可以食, 而我唔係咁鍾意食嘅嘢, 更加要俾BB食, 等佢地習慣食唔同味道嘅食物! ** 當然可能會致敏, 比較難消化嘅就排得後D啦!

大魚腩 vs 黃花魚 , 大魚腩居然勝出!!! BBs Mami 我最鍾意食黃花魚 (可能係因為我祖籍係上海人, 所以食慣咗), 但就唔係咁識欣賞大魚 (因為覺得腥D), 估唔到BBs鍾意大魚多D呢! 不過客觀D, 試過BBs食嘅大魚腩同黃花魚 (清蒸, 無加薑蔥, 無調味), 又真係大魚腩香D同滑D!

蜜糖豆都好得BBs嘅歡心! 清清甜甜.

** 魚蓉要整得蓉D, 如果唔係BB可能會唔鍾意 (如果好似我地BBs咁未有牙).

4 則留言:

  1. thank you so much for your sharing , they are so useful (i take reference to your timetable and menu)
    May i know how to make th fish mash? Thanks a lot
    Po Yee

    1. Hi Po Yee,

      You are welcome! Its my memory book as well =) Fish mash is super easy.

      1) steam fish
      2) take out bones (actually during this process, the fish is pretty much mashed, haha, esp. we all as parents would be so so so careful picking out bones). I used fork and knife to pick bones, so also 'cutting" the flesh.

      Tips: when mixing fish and cereal /congee, its more acceptable by babies =)

  2. oh just noted from your previous article said use the fork to mash is OK (no need to blend)
    :) thanks
