2013年7月28日 星期日


文章日期:07/28/2013 11:22 pm
營孖媽因為係美國畢業, 所以好鍾意睇美國嘅網頁 (當然係有權威性, 可靠性比較高的), 例如美國兒科醫生學會, 美國營養師學會, 美國食品及藥物管理局......等等等等.

香港健康院嘅資料都好詳盡, 不過以上嘅website有時仲詳盡! (不過因為文化差異, 所以營孖媽我都會自己再衡量).


以下係美國兒科醫生學會嘅指引 (須視乎每個小朋友嘅發展):
  • BB可以自己控制頭未? BB應該可以坐在高椅上 / BB 櫈上, 並且能好好控制頭部. 
  • 當食物接近, BB會唔會張開口? 當BB睇大人食嘢, 想攞大人嘅嘢食, 又表現好似好想食, 就表示BB可能已經預備好.
  • BB可唔可以將食物由匙移到喉嚨? 當餵BB食糊仔, 而BB將糊仔從口部推出流到下巴, 可能代表BB仲未能夠將食物向後推同吞. 咁係非常正常. 我地要記住BB從未試過比奶杰嘅食物, 所以需要時間去習慣. 頭幾次可以稀釋糊仔, 然後慢慢整杰D. 亦可以等1-2個星期再試.
  • BB夠大未? 當BB體重達到出生時的兩培 (大約4個月大), 而體重又達至 / 超過 13磅, 咁BB可能已經預備好食固體食物.

When can my baby begin solid foods?

The following are some guidelines from the AAP book Nutrition: What Every Parent Needs to Know. Remember that each child’s readiness depends on his own rate of development.
  • Can he hold his head up? Your baby should be able to sit in a high chair, feeding seat, or infant seat with good head control.
  • Does he open his mouth when food comes his way? Babies may be ready if they watch you eating, reach for your food, and seem eager to be fed.
  • Can he move food from a spoon into his throat? If you offer a spoon of rice cereal and he pushes it out of his mouth and it dribbles onto his chin, he may not have the ability to move it to the back of his mouth to swallow it. It’s normal. Remember, he’s never had anything thicker than breast milk or formula before, and this may take some getting used to. Try diluting it the first few times, then gradually thicken the texture. You may also want to wait a week or two and try again.
  • Is he big enough? Generally, when infants double their birth weight (typically at about 4 months) and weigh about 13 pounds or more, they may be ready for solid foods.

