2013年8月2日 星期五


文章日期:08/02/2013 09:32 pm
BB開始食固體食物, 有什麼食物係要避免? 根據英國營養學會/ 英國國家醫療服務體系:

鹽 - 由出生至7個月大, BB每日應該食用少過1克嘅鹽 (母乳, 配方奶已經提供足夠嘅鹽份). 至於7個月至1歲大嘅BB, 每日最多可食用1克鹽. BB嘅食物不應該加鹽, 而咸嘅食物包括煙肉, 芝士, 加工食品亦都要限制.

另外, 1-3歲嘅小朋友每日最多可以食用2克鹽, 4-6 歲就最多3克.

Which foods should be avoided?

Salt - up to seven months, a baby should eat less than 1g of salt per day (breastmilk and formula milks contain the right amount of salt). Between seven months and one year, 1g of salt per day is the maximum. Salt should not be added to foods, and salty foods, such as bacon, cheese and some processed foods, should be limited.

參考資料: British Dietitian Association

Understanding Food Groups

Babies up to one year old should have no more than 1g of salt a day. The maximum amount is 2g of salt a day for children aged one to three, and 3g a day for children aged four to six.

參考資料: NHS (England)

** BBs Daddy 係營孖媽嘅忠實fans, BBs Daddy睇完哩篇BLOG話唔係好明即係BBs大D時嘅食物可以加幾多鹽, 因為D鹽通常去咗汁/湯度....好問題, 其實意思即係BB/小朋友食物最好係唔加鹽. 最好煮好食物後先盛起留俾BB, 然後先加鹽俾大人食. BB/小朋友只會越來越要食得咸 (因為咸咸地好食過淡). 食得咸就食唔番淡架喇!

