2013年8月24日 星期六


文章日期:08/24/2013 11:27 pm

開始時餵1/2或少過1/2茶匙固體食物, 並同時跟寶寶說: "你睇幾好味!". 你嘅寶寶一開始可能仲未知道點樣做. 佢可能會顯得疑惑, 縐起個鼻, 將食物推到咀邊, 甚至拒絕嘗試.

其中一個可以令第一次餵BB食固體食物容易一點嘅方法係先餵BB飲一D母乳 /配方奶, 然後餵少過1/2茶匙固體食物, 最後再餵剩餘嘅母乳 /配方奶. 這樣可以防止BB因為太餓而煩躁.

不要驚訝BB最初幾次食固體食物D食物會去咗塊面, 手, 同口水肩. 慢慢增加食物嘅份量, 由1-2茶匙開始, 咁樣可以等BB有時間慢慢學習吞嚥食物.

如果BB喊或將頭轉開, 千萬不要迫BB進食. 可以先餵番母乳 /配方奶, 遲D再試. 請謹記BB開始食固體食物係一個循序漸進嘅過程, 另外, 一開始BB最主要嘅營養來源都係母乳 /配方奶.

註: 千萬不要用奶樽餵嬰兒米糊, 因為有哽親嘅危險. 另外, 亦可能增加BB進食嘅份量, 而引致BB過重. 但如果BB有食物倒流嘅情況, 可能就會建議用奶樽餵米糊, 應先咨詢BB嘅醫生.

How do I feed my baby?
Start with half a spoonful or less and talk to your baby through the process (“Mmm, see how good this is?”). Your baby may not know what to do at first. She may look confused, wrinkle her nose, roll the food around her mouth, or reject it altogether.
One way to make eating solids for the first time easier is to give your baby a little breast milk and/or formula first, then switch to very small half-spoonfuls of food, and finish with more breast milk and/or formula. This will prevent your baby from getting frustrated when she is very hungry.
Do not be surprised if most of the first few solid-food feedings wind up on your baby’s face, hands, and bib. Increase the amount of food gradually, with just a teaspoonful or two to start. This allows your baby time to learn how to swallow solids.
Do not make your baby eat if she cries or turns away when you feed her. Go back to nursing or bottle-feeding exclusively for a time before trying again. Remember that starting solid foods is a gradual process and at first your baby will still be getting most of her nutrition from breast milk and/or formula.
NOTE: Do not put baby cereal in a bottle because your baby could choke. It also may increase the amount of food your baby eats and can cause your baby to gain too much weight. However, cereal in a bottle may be recommended if your baby has reflux. Check with your child’s doctor.

